초고령사회 뉴노멀 라이프스타일 연구소


  • Association Between Childhood Backgrounds & Mental Health in Middle Age: Findings from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project

  • 관리자
  • 발 표 자임승주
    공동저자박상미, 한예빈, 김기웅, 지수정, 홍익표, 박지혁
    발표제목Association Between Childhood Backgrounds & Mental Health in Middle Age: Findings from the National S ocial Life, Health, and Aging Project
    발표일시,장소23.04.20.~23./Kansas City, Missouri
    발표형식포스터 발표
    학술대회명AOTA(American Occupational Therapy Association) INSPIRE 2023
    학술대회주관기관American Occupational Therapy Association